What do you think causes autism? - genetic testing for autism
What do you think causes autism? I have many different opinions on whether it belongs to the environment caused by vaccines or genetics. What do you think is the cause? also why so many autistic children today? I'm 23 and I've never seen so many people my age it is. and there is a genetic test of a person to see if they are more likely a child with autism?
I've heard all these different opinions to me. I find a great deal of research to. Ultimately, my children no longer have autism. The answer is so incredible that if I say to people who have never looked into it, laugh. However, I have my answers for parents and doctors who have managed to reverse the symptoms of autism, and my children do not. So I spread the news. The answer is quite complicated, since it lead to a kind of multi-, but certainly that some pathogens and toxins. The fry cause of the immune system, usually Lyme and mercury. CD burning, 57-T-cells allow the accumulation of many pathogens and toxins, and a sick body to react badly to cut the erection of signs of chronic inflammation of the hair to the absorption of oxygen to the brain and other organs, sometimes quite SIDS cause forcing especially in part, a person feels and acts in the fog. Believe it or not. But the bottom line, my children have no symptoms. So my best advice for anyone listening successful parents and doctors do not listen to those who have no children healed of autism, no matter what training they have.
I've heard all these different opinions to me. I find a great deal of research to. Ultimately, my children no longer have autism. The answer is so incredible that if I say to people who have never looked into it, laugh. However, I have my answers for parents and doctors who have managed to reverse the symptoms of autism, and my children do not. So I spread the news. The answer is quite complicated, since it lead to a kind of multi-, but certainly that some pathogens and toxins. The fry cause of the immune system, usually Lyme and mercury. CD burning, 57-T-cells allow the accumulation of many pathogens and toxins, and a sick body to react badly to cut the erection of signs of chronic inflammation of the hair to the absorption of oxygen to the brain and other organs, sometimes quite SIDS cause forcing especially in part, a person feels and acts in the fog. Believe it or not. But the bottom line, my children have no symptoms. So my best advice for anyone listening successful parents and doctors do not listen to those who have no children healed of autism, no matter what training they have.
I think it's accumulation of defects, with the age of the parents by chromosomal damage. It is unlikely that a case of autism today that it had 50 years ago. But what has happened is that the diagnosis is that the number of children that the generic name has fallen "delayed" best to increase the number diagnosed with autism is. In addition, children with Asperger's disease (part of the autism spectrum) could have been diagnosed at all, and now will be counted. It has been shown that vaccines have no effect on the prices of autism, but it is a myth that never dies. I think there is some preliminary evidence of autism in the experimental stage is - but that is for children already diagnosed with autism. There is no blood test to see if they are more likely to have an autistic child. However, to some extent in the families such that family members with autism to improve their chances of having a child with autism. They found anomalies and chromosomal abnormalities at different sites, as differeNT types of autism - but also the daily rate of autism, instead of grouping together with a man who the children are the visual memories, others with a focus on mathematics, some of the problems of seeing and hearing, etc.
To do at this stage, do not think it would be wrong when he said: "All of the above.
I think, to believe the environmental factor May that mercury in vaccines can be taken into account, and I think that genetics is an underestimation of the components.
Autism as a result of genetics, it is not diagnosed, increase passed on from generation to generation. Fragile X is a good example. It was estimated that 1 259 women were carriers of the gene recently shown in a study involving 40,000 women, that 1 of 130 women are carriers. In a study in Israel, 1 113 women were carriers performed. I do not know how to do it for you, but these numbers tell me something.
Fragile X can be proved by DNA tests FMR-1, also known as Southern blot analysis with PCR known. The ambitious new study of a new test that is more for them, and useful for the screening of newborns, which is currently under review.
Over time, as a result of the survey can be of specific genes can be strictly related to autism, which might prove to be in a position that you can changee.
As with any disability, early intervention is key.
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